RAR Seen By

Mafalda Santos


In her case the classical reference would be the minimalist painting that was so typical of the 1960s and 1970s, where artists such as Robert Ryman or Agnes Martin repeatedly worked on the concept of the grid, that played a key role in defining their compositions. In this case however - due to the economy of means - 

there is a double irony, either in relation to the history of art and perseverance in painting as such, that is repeatedly claimed to have been exhausted and whose death has been regularly announced, or in relation to the fascination that vintage objects - such as old notebooks - strangely exercise upon us, in our increasingly virtual and digitalised era.

Miguel von Hafe Pérez

In her case the classical reference would be the minimalist painting that was so typical of the 1960s and 1970s, where artists such as Robert Ryman or Agnes Martin repeatedly worked on the concept of the grid, that played a key role in defining their compositions. In this case however - due to the economy of means - 

there is a double irony, either in relation to the history of art and perseverance in painting as such, that is repeatedly ...

see report project
Mafalda Santos : DEVE_HAVER 2008 - acrylic without canvas - díptico 200x150 cm1 / 12
Mafalda Santos : RELATÓRIO DE CONTAS 2008 - acrylic without canvas - díptico 200x150 cm2 / 12
Mafalda Santos : C/CORRENTE 2008 - acrylic without canvas - díptico 200x150 cm3 / 12
Mafalda Santos : EVAPORADORES 2008 - Print Picture - 40x50 cm4 / 12
Mafalda Santos : TACHO 2008 - Print Picture - 40x50 cm5 / 12
Mafalda Santos : SECAGEM 2008 - Print Picture - 40x50 cm6 / 12
Mafalda Santos : AFINAÇÃO 2008 - Print Picture - 40x50 cm7 / 12
Mafalda Santos : RECUPERAÇÃO 2008 - Print Picture - 40x50 cm8 / 12
Mafalda Santos : NANOFILTRAÇÃO 2008 - gravura sobre latão - 40x50 cm 9 / 12
Mafalda Santos : AFINAÇÃO 2008 - gravura sobre latão - 40x50 cm 10 / 12
Mafalda Santos : SECAGEM 2008 - gravura sobre latão - 40x50 cm 11 / 12
Mafalda Santos : RECUPERAÇÃO 2008 - gravura sobre latão - 40x50 cm 12 / 12